Postback Macros

Within this page we will share the publisher postbacks that can be implemented within the Tyr Tracking system so that you can receive postback from our system.

We have the following macro's available for use for our publishers.



Status of the conversion

This parameter would be placeholder for a value that indicates the status of a conversion event.

Enum type : approved, rejected, pending


Conversion type

This parameter would be placeholder for a value that indicates the type or category of a conversion event.

Enum type : install, event


Event value

The Revenue the user generated for this event

Integer type with decimal places 15. example : 1.5, 2


Event value currency

This parameter would be placeholder for a value that represents the currency in which the event_value is measured

Varchar type with regular expression. example : USD


App event id

This parameter would be placeholder for unique identifier associated with an event that occurs within a mobile app

1,2,3, etc The DB ID of the app event in the AppEvent table


Package Name

App Package Name (Android) or Bundle ID (iOS). URL-encoded.

Varchar type with regular expression. example :


Campaign ID

This parameter is replaced with the actual campaign identifier when the tracking URL is triggered

Integer type with decimal places 2. example : 726


Offer Name

The parameter is replace with the actual campaigan name

Varchar type with regular expression. example : Test Campaign T1


Publisher ID

This parameter is replaced with the unique identifier associated with the publisher of an advertisement

Integer type with decimal places 2. example : 726



This parameter is replaced with the name or identifier associated with the publisher of an advertisement

Varchar type with regular expression. example : Tyr Rewards


Source ID

This parameter is replaced with the unique identifier associated with the traffic source of an advertisement

Varchar type with regular expression. example : 0Q16epGIhi


Publisher click ID

This parameter is replaced with the unique identifier associated with a click event on the publisher's side

Varchar type with regular expression. example : ZiEjGLMKTq



This parameter is replaced for a value that represents the country code associated with a user or visitor

Varchar type with regular expression. example : US


Country Code

This parameter is replaced for a value that represents the country code associated with a user or visitor

Varchar type with regular expression. example : US



This parameter is for a value that represents the mobile carrier associated with a user's device

Varchar type with regular expression. example : COLBwqrMui


Device type

This parameter is for a value that represents the mobile carrier associated with a user's device

Varchar type with regular expression. example : FndLKU2Hn1


Device model

This parameter is for a value that represents the specific model of the device used by the user

Varchar type with regular expression. example : 36vbfl3swW


Device brand

This parameter is for a value that represents the brand or manufacturer of the device used by the user

Varchar type with regular expression. example : mRMcgvvXYt


User Agent

This parameter is for a value that represents the user agent string associated with the user's device and browser

Varchar type with regular expression. example : gXmP4fbAY8


Device Language

This parameter is for a value that represents the language setting of the user's device

Varchar type with regular expression. example : acNFSCOyFI


Device Operating system

This parameter is for a value that represents the operating system (OS) of the user's device

Varchar type with regular expression. example : c6lDrSZiYP


Device Operating system version

This parameter is for a value that represents the version of the operating system (OS) running on the user's device

Varchar type with regular expression. example : uqjVXS0xLd



This parameter is for a value that represents the geographic region associated with the user

Varchar type with region. example : Comoros



This parameter is for a value that represents the specific city associated with the user

Varchar type with city. example : Dongguan


zip code

This parameter is for a value that represents the postal code or ZIP code associated with the user

Varchar type with regular expression. example : TSIPoR9BAX


DMA code

This parameter is for a value that represents the Designated Market Area (DMA) associated with the user

Varchar type with regular expression. example : npK76GpfYj



This parameter is placeholders for sub-identifiers or sub-values that can be added to a URL to track additional information



This parameter is placeholders for sub-identifiers or sub-values that can be added to a URL to track additional information



This parameter is placeholders for sub-identifiers or sub-values that can be added to a URL to track additional information



This parameter is placeholders for sub-identifiers or sub-values that can be added to a URL to track additional information



This parameter is placeholders for sub-identifiers or sub-values that can be added to a URL to track additional information


Completion time

The Completion time of the event from the install to the event in seconds.

Integer type with decimal places 2. example : 912



The payout generated for this event.

Integer type with decimal places 2. example : 549.49



The UNIX timestamp of conversion, that can be taken directly from the MMP

Timestamp (Unix timestamp) : 1602312732


Publisher user ID

The unique user id from the publisher their users.

Varchar type with regular expression. example : KEB36u5alR


Session IP

The ip of the user's session

Varchar type with regular expression. example :

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